Dr MLS Letshufi


At Dr. MLS Letshufi, we focus on the investigation, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases, disorders, and conditions affecting the mouth,

Healthy Teeth

We make certain that you have a radiant smile and healthy teeth.


Book a Consultation with us for a checkup or examination

Become Part of the Family of Smiles

At our practice, we strive to treat our patients as members of our family. We take an interest in you and work to find the treatment options that are best suited to your specific needs.  the team is not here to sell you the latest treatment. 

About Dr MLS Letshufi

Female African doctor demonstrating proper dental care to her little kid patient

At Dr. MLS Letshufi, we focus on the investigation, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases, disorders, and conditions affecting the mouth, most frequently affecting the dentition/teeth but also the oral mucosa, as well as adjacent and related structures and tissues, especially in the maxillofacial (jaw and facial) region.

Don't wait on your teeth, You might not wait long!

Book a Consultation now for a Checkup or examination to get to the root of the problem!

What We Offer

Preventative Dentistry

Improve long term oral health by taking positive steps to prevent tooth decay and gum disease

Root Canal Treatment

This process is carried out in the roots of a tooth, the nerves and blood vessels are removed and the canals cleaned and sealed

Teeth Restoration

Teeth Restoration includes Fillings, Crowns and Veneers